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Entrepreneurship Training Education Resources

Acquire the essential skills and knowledge needed to gain a competitive edge in the evolving business landscape. Our tailored entrepreneurship training programs are designed to equip you with practical insights and strategic thinking.


INNOVAR: Discover Your Market Fit

Our quarterly INNOVAR program is your exclusive introduction to the transformative Lean Launchpad methodology. This innovative approach, crafted by renowned entrepreneur Steve Blank, is tailored to guide aspiring entrepreneurs on the path to startup success with a strong emphasis on customer-centric principles.

Through our INNOVAR program, you will learn how to better understand your customers and their needs through direct interviews, ensuring your product aligns with the market. This program is your guide to navigating competition, determining market size, devising go-to-market strategies, protecting your ideas, and securing funding.


INNOVAR participants are required to spend 8 hours per week engaging in class time, customer interviewing, mentor meetings, and more. To learn more about INNOVAR, please click here

OASIS Certificate Programs: Education For Entrepreneurs

The OASIS Initiative offers the Zero-to-Entrepreneur certificate program, which fosters a pipeline of educational opportunities tailored for disadvantaged populations in technology-based business creation. In this program you will undergo online and hands-on experiential workshops delivered by UCR faculty, community experts, and EPIC SBDC entrepreneurs. Zero-to-Entrepreneur provides instruction, training, and specialized mentorship on the fundamentals of technology commercialization, startup creation, and accessing capital.

To apply for the 2024 spring cohort, please visit this link for more information.


OASIS also offers a high school certificate program focused on exposure and skills transfer for K-12 through K-16 institutions within the Inland SoCal region. Our focus is to immerse younger students into the entrepreneurial space of tech-based business development and creation.


SoCal SBIR/STTR CON: Discover Funding Opportunities

Hosted by the UCR Office of Technology Partnerships, our annual SoCal SBIR/STTR conference connects you with federal agencies seeking to fund early-stage research and commercialization. Engage in one-on-one sessions with program managers, learn about SBIR/STTR programs providing over $3.7 billion in annual funding, and discover winning strategies to secure federal and investor interest.


To find more information about the next upcoming SBIR/STTR Conference, click here.


For more information:

Please fill out the form below and the Office of Technology Partnerships will reach out to schedule a call with you.