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Networking & Partnerships

Create strategic alliances within our dynamic ecosystem that amplify your business impact and propel you towards sustainable growth. Our network extends beyond traditional boundaries, creating opportunities for your business to build bridges with industry leaders, fellow entrepreneurs, and potential collaborators.


Identification of Initial Clientele

We can assist companies in customer discovery for identifying the best entry market client profile. After proof of concepts have been demonstrated, we can work with the startup to help identify and approach potential initial clients, whether in the government, private or non-profit arena.

Corporate Strategic Engagement

Corporate & Strategic Partnerships (CSP)

The Corporate & Strategic Partnerships team facilitates collaborations between our UCR faculty and industry. The team provides specialized company access to the pioneering research, faculty, students, and infrastructure at UCR.

Corporate Research Contracts (CRC)

The Corporate Research Contracts office assists UCR researchers and industry with the legal elements that facilitate a successful funded research partnership. We also help UCR and community members with guidance to obtain federal research funding to advance their research toward commercialization.

Our services include:

  • Contract Negotiation, preparation and management for sponsored research engagements to ensure both parties are aligned and protected. We look after the contract so that the focus remains on the research and the opportunities ahead.
  • Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) development to facilitate the shipping and receiving of research materials from and to UCR.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) development to facilitate potential research partnership and business discussions protecting confidential information.
  • Assistance navigating the application process for SBIR/STTR federal grants from the Small Business Administration. Our SBIR/STTR resource center offers guidance and expertise to maximize the chances of applicant success.

Click here for more corporate sponsored resources.

Access to Our Network of Partner Resources

We collaborate closely with our partner institutions including the Murrieta Innovation CenterSoCal Tech BridgeMoreno Valley BURCEconomic Development CoalitionBlended Impact, and Coachella Valley Economic Partnership who have resources and locations to grow startups. Learn more about our coalition that is catalyzed by our iHub initiative. 

For more information:

Please fill out the form below and the Office of Technology Partnerships will reach out to schedule a call with you.